Test for crypnut #0 on servers known (you can change the number in url). Green means the owner is the same. If not: Yellow means the owner is to change. If not: Orange means the owner may change soon. If not: Red means the owner is not the same.

Colors give you a comparison between the actual state of a coin on this server and its state & processing on any other known server. If it remains white, then the server may be offline.

You can click on the server number to make appear its domain name, that is not this server's responsibility. It can be useful to test this coin on other servers, so feel free to do it at your own risk.

Here are the whole servers list. You can also display active & trusted servers only.

  Server 1       Server 2    

This crypnut is stored on this server as follows:

Previous owner's key stored (end) : 88 hex chars >> f5c1f20c0c916e10f628ca944d2ed3874d65d2394ebe44e4015cd2aa408a977fd26f9089ce104d5b25013f8a

Hash : 128 hex chars >> cbd26d61a53aeef6d0a6434a3e65ff745cd39c05cc65a796b9bb138847e8fe24dd23e08db8c41982bc61d19959bc1234ecca8dc62236926b356b2b96c5e3f1b0

Current owner's key stored (end) : 88 hex chars >> 36067112a0747a6691c1d759ab9e7bfb2653cc4ffca3f62fe17c5d2ab582aea03776470a9b0a09324f8dd9d5     (grey)

Date : 8 hex chars >> 18ea9752   -   Wednesday 12th of December 2181 11:18:56 AM

Message hash (end) : 24 hex chars >> 900088059a0ad59eee654563

Signature (end) : 176 hex chars, partly displayed >> c10ff7f101e7df60a8c9ca856a388b3a76f04c9472973a407e28d92a22966e22fcacd391383bc98d9e167ee824a7713669a38c9c9 ...

If current owner's key stored's color is green & if all servers colors are green, then this crypnut definitely belongs to this wallet (according to this server).

If current owner's key stored's color is grey (parameter 'l' is empty) & if all servers colors are green, then this crypnut belongs to the same address (according to this server).